Country Code For Barcode

Published on: 18 Apr, 2020 | 02:29:03 PM

This is a list of country codes used by GS1.

Source: GS1 company prefix

Code Country
000–019 UPC-A compatible -  United States and  Canada
020–029 UPC-A compatible - Used to issue restricted circulation numbers within a geographic region[m]
030–039 UPC-A compatible -  United States drugs (see United States National Drug Code)
040–049 UPC-A compatible - Used to issue restricted circulation numbers within a geographic region[m]
050–059 UPC-A compatible - GS1 US reserved for future use
060–099 UPC-A compatible -  United States and  Canada
100–139  United States
200–299 Used to issue GS1 restricted circulation number within a geographic region[m]
300–379  France and  Monaco
380  Bulgaria
383  Slovenia
385  Croatia
387  Bosnia and Herzegovina
389  Montenegro
400–440  Germany (440 code inherited from old  East Germany on reunification, 1990)
450–459  Japan (new Japanese Article Number range)
460–469  Russia (barcodes inherited from the  Soviet Union)
470  Kyrgyzstan
471  Republic of China (Taiwan)
474  Estonia
475  Latvia
476  Azerbaijan
477  Lithuania
478  Uzbekistan
479  Sri Lanka
480  Philippines
481  Belarus
482  Ukraine
483  Turkmenistan
484  Moldova
485  Armenia
486  Georgia
487  Kazakhstan
488  Tajikistan
489  Hong Kong
490–499  Japan (original Japanese Article Number range)
500–509  United Kingdom
520–521  Greece
528  Lebanon
529  Cyprus
530  Albania
531  North Macedonia
535  Malta
539  Ireland
540–549  Belgium and  Luxembourg
560  Portugal
569  Iceland
570–579  Denmark , Faroe Islands and Greenland
590  Poland
594  Romania
599  Hungary
600–601  South Africa
603  Ghana
604  Senegal
608  Bahrain
609  Mauritius
611  Morocco
613  Algeria
615  Nigeria
616  Kenya
617  Cameroon
618  Ivory Coast
619  Tunisia
620  Tanzania
621  Syria
622  Egypt
623  Brunei
624  Libya
625  Jordan
626  Iran
627  Kuwait
628  Saudi Arabia
629  United Arab Emirates
640–649  Finland (sometimes used by Romanian manufacturers)
690–699  People's Republic of China
700–709  Norway
729  Israel
730–739  Sweden : EAN/GS1 Sweden
740  Guatemala
741  El Salvador
742  Honduras
743  Nicaragua
744  Costa Rica
745  Panama
746  Dominican Republic
750  Mexico
754–755  Canada
759  Venezuela
760–769   Switzerland and  Liechtenstein
770–771  Colombia
773  Uruguay
775  Peru
777  Bolivia
778–779  Argentina
780  Chile
784  Paraguay
786  Ecuador
789–790  Brazil
800–839  Italy San Marino and   Vatican City
840–849  Spain and  Andorra
850  Cuba
858  Slovakia
859  Czech Republic
860  Serbia
865  Mongolia
867  North Korea
868–869  Turkey
870–879  Netherlands
880  South Korea
883  Myanmar
884  Cambodia
885  Thailand
888  Singapore
890  India
893  Vietnam
896  Pakistan
899  Indonesia
900–919  Austria
930–939  Australia
940–949  New Zealand
950 GS1 Global Office: Special applications
951 Used to issue General Manager Numbers for the EPC General Identifier (GID) scheme as defined by the EPC Tag Data Standard
955  Malaysia
958  Macau
960–961 GS1 UK Office: GTIN-8 allocations
962–969 GS1 Global Office: GTIN-8 allocations
977 Serial publications (ISSN)
978–979 "Bookland" (ISBN) – 979-0 used for sheet music (ISMN-13, replaces deprecated ISMN M- numbers)
980 Refund receipts
981–984 GS1 coupon identification for common currency areas
990–999 GS1 coupon identification

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