Barcode Registration Services

Barcode Registration Services


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Product Description

Barcode Registration by Indian Barcode CorporationImage result for barcode registration 890 code

Mindware (Indian Barcode Corporation) is a Company who helps Indian Companies for Barcode registration.

Get a Barcode

  • Benefits of using Mindware Barcodes
  • Mindware India Subscription Benefits
  • Apply for Barcodes
  • Register for Mindware India Services

Benefits of Mindware Barcodes—Indian Barcode Corporation   — barcode registration desk

                   Mail:      Call : +91-9810822688

Over 15000 plus companies globally, including all major manufacturers, retailers, and online marketplaces use Mindware barcodes making it the defector standards for the retail industry today. This is because they know that barcodes can help them improve their business. Some of the benefits of using Mindware barcodes are:

  • Provides unambiguous & universal identification of products so no two products in the world would have the same barcode numbers. Helps with faster listing of products on e-commerce platforms. Meets prerequisite to doing business with modern trade retailers.
  • Facilitates accurate and faster billing at retail billing counters
  • Empowers search engines to provide more precise search results, increasing visibility of products online
  • Gives an international look and feel to products
  • Enables automated data capture with 100% information accuracy. This helps eliminate human errors, offering a reliable way to read encoded information
  • Ensures correct consignment dispatches as per customer orders
  • Supports accurate real-time stock management for manufacturers/suppliers and retailers
  • Helps meet several buyer/regulatory compliance requirements internationally and nationally
  • Allows efficient track & trace and recall of all product types (e.g. consumer products, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, food, electronics, alcoholic beverages, etc.) helping ensure patient and consumer safety
  • Optimized inventory management – as product packages feature barcodes, businesses can use the technology to maintain accurate control over inventory. For example, warehouses and retailers can scan barcodes when products arrive and leave, to take a record of inventory. Some companies link their inventory control to online portals so that they can instantly update package status.
  • Achieve accurate and efficient procurement – since the Mindware barcode is a unique key to identify a product (via GTIN), it can be used to identify products without any ambiguity and place accurate orders for them.

printing labels

Access to Reliable Product Information

Besides the above benefits, Mindware India barcode subscribers also get access to DataKart, a repository of product information to which they can upload all product attributes, including its description, and images. This helps product lifecycle management with the ability to view all product changes and its history in one place.

With information on more than 3 million products and growing, DataKart is a single source of trusted, reliable and accurate information on products that can be accessed by potential buyers and consumers everywhere.

The Smart Consumer mobile app of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India, is powered by DataKart. The app displays product data, which is retrieved from DataKart when a product barcode is scanned using a Smartphone.

Barcodes are symbols that can be scanned electronically using laser or camera-based systems

They are used to encode information such as product numbers, serial numbers, and batch numbers. Barcodes play a key role in supply chains, enabling users including retailers, manufacturers, transport providers and other stakeholders to automatically identify and track products as they move through the supply chain. Mindware manages several types of barcodes such as EAN/UPC barcodes and 2D barcodes like MINDWARE QR code and MINDWARE DataMatrix.

To sell your products through modern retail channels (in-store and online) you need a Mindware barcode.

When you get your numbers and barcodes through Mindware India, you get a future-proofed, unique identification system that can save money and add value throughout your business.

Mindware barcodes are used everywhere – from in-store point of sale and online selling, through manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. And today they’re used in the healthcare system too, on drugs, medical devices, and even patients.

We’re part of the global Mindware organization that defines the standards that ensure our barcodes work everywhere, in every supply chain in every country, with over two million companies globally using them.

Submit scanned copies of the following document:- 

  • Applicant Company’s PAN card or proprietor’s PAN card for a proprietorship firm

  • Copy of audited balance sheet (FY 2016-17)

  • Letter on company letterhead requesting barcode allotment

  • Proof of Status of the Applicant Company

    • For Proprietorship Firms: GST/VAT registration certificate

    • For Partnership Firms: GST/VAT registration certificate or partnership deed

    • For Private/Public Ltd. Company: GST/VAT registration certificate and Registrars of Companies (ROC) certificate or Memorandum of Association (MOA)  

    • For other entities (e.g. Registered Society, HUF etc.): GST/VAT registration certificate or Registrar of Society (ROS) certificate

    • Cancelled cheque copy of the company

Barcode Subscription Fees

Subscription fees consist of:

  • Registration fees (payable one-time)

  • Renewal fees (payable depending on subscription validity period)

  • Security deposit (interest-free security deposit payable at registration, and refundable on subscription cancellation)

  • Taxes as applicable

Subscription fees is calculated based on:

  • Applicant Company’s annual turnover

  • Number of barcodes applied for

  • Subscription period (1yr, 2yrs, 3yrs, 5yrs or 10 yrs)


Bank  Details :

Note:-   We are one of the biggest Labels and ribbons Manufacturer for Barcode and thermal printers

Product Features

MINDWARE standards deliver benefits to over 25 industries globally






10 steps to barcode your product

 Ten Steps to Barcode Implementation

Step 1: Register with Mindware India  or Indian Barcode corporation    we will get the international standard and national standards barcodes  through international body

·         Step 2: Generate numbers through Data Kart

·         Step 3: Select a barcode printing process

·         Step 4: Select a “primary” scanning environment

·         Step 5: Select a barcode

·         Step 6: Pick a barcode size

·         Step 7: Format the barcode text

·         Step 8: Pick a barcode color

·         Step 9: Pick the barcode placement

·         Step 10: Test barcode quality

Step 1: Register with Mindware (Indian Barcode Corporation)

Before a company can begin using barcodes, they must first register with Mindware India to obtain the numbers (Mindware Identification Keys) that go inside the barcode. Mindware Identification Keys are available for trade items, logistic units, locations, parties, assets, coupons, etc. which are unique all around the world and can be used to identify everything in the supply chain. The identification key for a trade item (product) is called GTIN. This is the number seen beneath a barcode and starts with prefix 890.

Step 2: Generate numbers through Data Kart

After registering with Mindware India, a company receives access to Data Kart, an online service through which they can begin assigning identification numbers (GTINs) to their products. Companies can also upload, organize and manage all their product information and product images in Data Kart which is accessible by potential buyers and consumers whenever they scan a product barcode using mobile applications..

Step 3: Select a barcode printing process

Printing Methods

Traditional: flexography and offset

Digital: thermal and laser

Direct Marking: e.g. etching, engraving

See scanner environments & printing methods

To begin, you should decide what you are barcoding and if the barcode will carry static or dynamic information inside it.

If the information is static (always the same), the barcode can be printed using traditional printing presses directly on the package (e.g., tea carton) or on a label that is applied to the package (e.g., label on a juice bottle.)

If the information is dynamic then either digital or a combination of digital and traditional printing will be required.

  • If the product requires multi-color graphics and a barcode with dynamic data, the graphics could be pre-printed using traditional printing presses and leave a blank portion of the label for digital printing inline during production and packaging.
  • If the product only requires text and a barcode with dynamic data, a label could be printed inline and applied to the package (automatically if high volume or by hand if low volume). It could also be printed directly on the package itself without using a label.
  • Also, a barcode with static data could be printed directly on the package using a digital printing method, for example when the same packaging is used for different products.

Step 4: Select a “primary” scanning environment

Scanning Environments

See scanner environments & printing methods

The specifications for barcode type, size, placement, and quality all depend on where the barcode will be scanned. By knowing where your barcode will be scanned you can establish the right specifications for its production.

Barcodes to be scanned at the retail point-of-sale will need to support Omni-directional scanning.

If the barcode will be scanned at point-of-sale as well as in the warehouse, you will need to use a symbol that accommodates point-of-sale scanning, but printed in a larger size to accommodate scanning in the distribution process.

Barcodes on healthcare items to be scanned in hospitals and pharmacies do not require Omni-directional scanning, unless the items are also scanned at retail Point-of-Sale.

Step 5: Select a barcode

Selecting the right barcode is critical to the success of your barcode implementation plan, here are some high-level tips:

  • If you need to barcode a trade item that will be scanned at the retail Point-of-Sale (POS), first symbol of choice is the EAN/UPC symbol. This symbol is guaranteed to be scanned by POS systems all over the world.
  • If you are printing a barcode with variable information like serial numbers, expiry dates, or measures, then you will Mindware DataBar, or Mindware DataMatrix (2D symbol).
  • If you want to encode a URL into a barcode to make extended packaging information available to the end consumer, then you should use a Mindware 2D symbol (e.g. Mindware QR code).
  • If you need to barcode an outer case to be scanned in a logistics environment, and you want to print directly on corrugated carton, ITF-14 may be the choice for you.

There are other factors to consider so contact your closest Mindware India office and speak with someone on our implementation team.

Step 6: Pick a barcode size

After the correct barcode symbol is specified together with the information to encode in it, the design stage begins. The size of the symbol within the design will depend on the symbol specified, where the symbol will be used, and how the symbol will be printed.

Symbol sizes

The X-dimension is the specified width of the narrowest element of a barcode. X-dimensions are used together with the symbol heights to specify the permissible symbol sizes.

For each scanning environment the relevant symbols are listed with their target X-dimension and corresponding target height. Besides the target sizes also the allowed minimum and maximum sizes are specified.


EAN/UPC symbols are suitable for omnidirectional scanning since they can be read from all directions by a fixed scanner.

EAN/UPC symbols

EAN/UPC Symbols are designed for scanning by retail Omni-directional scanners. This means that EAN/UPC Symbols have two segments which are taller than they are wide. There is a fixed relationship between symbol height and width. When one dimension is modified, the other dimension should be altered by a proportional amount.

Consideration of the printing process

The final major consideration for symbol size is the capability of the selected printing process. The minimum size (magnification) and correct Bar Width Reduction (BWR) for a symbol varies by printing process and even from press to press. Printing companies should establish a minimum symbol size (magnification) and BWR to achieve acceptable and repeatable quality results.

See Mindware General Specifications, “Mindware System Symbol Specification Tables” in section 5 for information on the allowed sizes of all Mindware Symbols based on the application where they are used. Symbol Specification Table 1 provides the details for the retail point-of-sale scanning environment.

Step 7: Format the barcode text

The text beneath a barcode, called Human Readable Interpretation (HRI), is important because if the barcode is damaged or of poor quality to begin with, then the text is used as a back-up.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on HRI:

Does the Human Readable Interpretation need to be a certain size?
The human-readable text must be clearly legible and in a size proportional to the symbol size.

Is the Human Readable Interpretation supposed to be above or below the symbol?
HRI should be placed below the barcode and grouped together wherever physically possible while maintaining the HRI legibility and minimum barcode height.

I see parentheses around the Application Identifiers (AI) under some barcode symbols. Are they supposed to be there and are they encoded in the bars and spaces of the symbol?
All AIs must be enclosed in parentheses in the Human Readable Interpretation, but the parentheses are not encoded in the symbol.

How many digits do I print beneath the EAN/UPC Symbol in the Human Readable text?

  • You must print 13 digits below the EAN-13 Symbol.
  • You must print 12 digits below the UPC-A Symbol.
  • You must print eight digits below UPC-E and EAN-8 Symbols.

Step 8: Pick a barcode color

The optimum color combination for a barcode symbol is black bars with a white background.

If you want to use other colors, the following may help you in choosing satisfactory ones:

  • Mindware barcodes require dark colors for bars (e.g., black, dark blue, dark brown, or dark green).
  • Mindware barcodes require light backgrounds for the Quiet Zones (area free of printing around the barcode) and spaces (e.g., white).
  • Mindware barcodes require light backgrounds for the Quiet Zones (area free of printing around the barcode) and spaces (e.g., white).
  • In addition to light backgrounds, “reddish” colors may also be used. If you have ever been in a darkroom with red lighting and tried to read red copy, you know it can virtually disappear. This is also true of similar colors such as orange, pink, peach, and light yellows. Given the fact that most barcode scanners use a red light source, you can quickly see why these colors may be suitable for backgrounds, but should be avoided for bars.
  • In many cases the symbol background is not printed and the color of the packaging substrate is used as barcode background. However, if the symbol background is printed beneath the bars, the background should be printed as solid line colors.
  • If you use multiple layers of ink to increase the background opacity, each layer should be printed as a solid color.
  • If you use a fine screen to deliver more ink to the substrate, be sure there are no voids in the print caused by the screen not adequately filling in.

Step 9: Pick the barcode placement

When discussing symbol location we are referring to the symbol placement on the design.

When assigning symbol placement first the packaging process should be considered. You should consult the packaging engineer to make sure the symbol will not be obscured or damaged (e.g., over a carton edge, beneath a carton fold, beneath a package flap, or covered by another packaging layer).

After determining the proper placement, the printing company should be consulted. This is because many printing processes require barcodes to be printed in a specific orientation to the feed direction of the web or sheet.

When using flexographic printing, the bars should run parallel to the press direction. If the bars are required to run perpendicular to the press direction check to ensure the symbol is not distorted.

When using either silk screen or rotogravure printing processes, the symbol should be aligned parallel to the cell structure on the screen or gravure plate cylinder to provide the smoothest bar edge possible.

Step 10: Test barcode quality

Once you have the artwork of your product label incorporating the barcode image, you should send it to your closest Mindware India office for verification, before any bulk printing. This will help you avoid printing poor quality barcodes that don’t scan easily. Mindware India uses an ISO-based verifier to test your barcode symbol in the way a scanner does, and grade the symbol’s quality.

Mindware India’s Barcode Verification service tests the barcode based on which symbol is used (1D or 2D), where it is used, or what identification number it is carrying. A comprehensive diagnostic is conducted based on the barcode symbol’s size, color, print quality, print contrast, magnification, numbering, light margins, bar width, representation, check digit calculation, and more.

Testing a barcode’s scan ability also ensures that they scan instantly when scanned using mobile apps in different scanning environments and in poor lighting conditions.

Ten Steps to Barcode Implementation

  • Step 1: Register with Mindware or internation barcode registration authorities
  • Step 2: Generate numbers through Data Kart
  • Step 3: Select a barcode printing process
  • Step 4: Select a “primary” scanning environment
  • Step 5: Select a barcode
  • Step 6: Pick a barcode size
  • Step 7: Format the barcode text
  • Step 8: Pick a barcode color
  • Step 9: Pick the barcode placement
  • Step 10: Test barcode quality

Apart  from above charges you need to pay 7500 +18% gst for liasioning fees extra one time to complete paper work  and other  expenses

For labels/printing/software development or other hardware required in your cases would attract extra cost as per the prices prevailing

Charges above mentioned are for life time but every year renewal fees every year approximately 10000 is you have to pay to the authority concerned the details would be there once you get registered.

Fee Calculator

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100 for 1 ye

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee (Rs) Annual Subscription Fee (Rs) GST @18% (Rs) Security Deposit (Rs) Total Fee for 1 Year (Rs)
1 Upto 5 25000 11500 6570 3000 46070
2 Above 5 till 10 27000 11760 6977 3000 48737
3 Above 10 till 25 29500 11925 7457 3000 51882
4 Above 25 till 50 32000 12090 7936 3000 55026
5 Above 50 till 100 34500 12255 8416 3000 58171
6 Above 100 till 250 37000 13750 9135 3000 62885
7 Above 250 till 500 39500 14080 9644 3000 66224
8 Above 500 till 750 42500 15410 10424 3000 71334
9 Above 750 till 1000 45000 15740 10933 3000 74673
10 Above 1000 47500 18400 11862 3000 80762

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-1000


S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Annual Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 1 Year Period
1 Upto 5 27500 12000 7110 3000 49610
2 Above 5 till 10 29500 12340 7531 3000 52371
3 Above 10 till 25 32000 12513 8012 3000 55525
4 Above 25 till 50 34500 12685 8493 3000 58678
5 Above 50 till 100 37000 12858 8974 3000 61832
6 Above 100 till 250 39500 14375 9698 3000 66573
7 Above 250 till 500 42000 14720 10210 3000 69930
8 Above 500 till 750 45000 16065 10992 3000 75057
9 Above 750 till 1000 47500 16410 11504 3000 78414
10 Above 1000 50000 19100 12438 3000 84538

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-10000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Annual Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 1 Year Period
1 Upto 5 31000 13000 7920 3000 54920
2 Above 5 till 10 33500 13255 8416 3000 58171
3 Above 10 till 25 36000 13431 8898 3000 61329
4 Above 25 till 50 38500 13608 9379 3000 64487
5 Above 50 till 100 41000 13784 9861 3000 67645
6 Above 100 till 250 43500 15313 10586 3000 72399
7 Above 250 till 500 46000 15665 11100 3000 75765
8 Above 500 till 750 49500 17018 11973 3000 81491
9 Above 750 till 1000 52000 17370 12487 3000 84857
10 Above 1000 54500 20075 13424 3000 90999

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Annual Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 1 Year Period
1 Upto 5 37500 13750 9225 3000 63475
2 Above 5 till 10 40000 13920 9706 3000 66626
3 Above 10 till 25 42500 14100 10188 3000 69788
4 Above 25 till 50 45000 14280 10670 3000 72950
5 Above 50 till 100 47500 14460 11153 3000 76113
6 Above 100 till 250 50000 16000 11880 3000 80880
7 Above 250 till 500 52500 16360 12395 3000 84255
8 Above 500 till 750 57000 17720 13450 3000 91170
9 Above 750 till 1000 59500 18080 13964 3000 94544
10 Above 1000 62000 20800 14904 3000 100704

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee
GST @18%
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 2 Years Period
1 Upto 5
25000 21850 8433 3000 58283
2 Above 5 till 10
27000 22344
8882 3000
3 Above 10 till 25
29500 22658 9388 3000 64546
4 Above 25 till 50
22971 9895 3000 67866
5 Above 50 till 100
34500 23285 10401 3000 71186
6 Above 100 till 250
37000 26125 11363 3000 77488
7 Above 250 till 500
39500 26752 11925 3000 26752
8 Above 500 till 750
42500 29279 12950 3000 87699
9 Above 750 till 1000
45000 29906 13483 3000 91389
10 Above 1000
47500 34960 14843 3000 100303

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-1000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee
GST @18%
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 2 Years Period
1 Upto 5
9054 3000 62354
2 Above 5 till 10
29500 23446
3 Above 10 till 25
32000 23775 10040 3000 68815
4 Above 25 till 50
24102 10548 3000 72150
5 Above 50 till 100
24430 11057 3000 75487
6 Above 100 till 250
39500 27313 12026 3000 81839
7 Above 250 till 500
42000 27968 12594 3000 85562
8 Above 500 till 750
45000 30524 13594 3000 92118
9 Above 750 till 1000
47500 31179 14162 3000 95841
10 Above 1000
50000 36290 15532 3000 104822

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-10000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee
GST @18%
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 2 Years Period
1 Upto 5
10026 3000 68726
2 Above 5 till 10
33500 25185 10563
3 Above 10 till 25
36000 23775 10040 3000 68815
4 Above 25 till 50
25855 11584 3000 78939
5 Above 50 till 100
26190 12094 3000 82284
6 Above 100 till 250
43500 29095
13067 3000 88662
7 Above 250 till 500
46000 29764 13638 3000 92402
8 Above 500 till 750
49500 32334 14730 3000 99564
9 Above 750 till 1000
52000 33003 15301 3000 103304
10 Above 1000
54500 38143 16676 3000 112319

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee
GST @18%
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 2 Years Period
1 Upto 5
37500 26125
11453 3000 78078
2 Above 5 till 10
40000 26448 11961 3000
3 Above 10 till 25
42500 26790 12472 3000 84762
4 Above 25 till 50
27132 12984
3000 88116
5 Above 50 till 100
27474 13495 3000 91469
6 Above 100 till 250
50000 30400
14472 3000 97872
7 Above 250 till 500
52500 31084
15045 3000 101629
8 Above 500 till 750
57000 33668 16320 3000 109988
9 Above 750 till 1000
59500 34352 16893 3000 113745
10 Above 1000
62000 39520 18274 3000 122794

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee (Rs)
GST @18% (Rs)
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 3 Years (Rs)
1 Upto 5
25000 31050
10089 3000 69139
2 Above 5 till 10
27000 31752 10575 3000
3 Above 10 till 25
32198 11106 3000 75804
4 Above 25 till 50
32643 11636
3000 79279
5 Above 50 till 100
34500 33089 12166
3000 82755
6 Above 100 till 250
37000 37125
3000 90468
7 Above 250 till 500
13953 3000 94469
8 Above 500 till 750
42500 41607 15139 3000 102246
9 Above 750 till 1000
45000 42498 15750 3000 106248
10 Above 1000
47500 49680
17492 3000 117672

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-1000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee (Rs)
GST @18% (Rs)
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 3 Years (Rs)
1 Upto 5
10782 3000 73682
2 Above 5 till 10
3 Above 10 till 25
11841 3000 84125
4 Above 25 till 50
34250 12375 3000 84125
5 Above 50 till 100
34717 12909
3000 87626
6 Above 100 till 250
39500 38813 14096
3000 95409
7 Above 250 till 500
42000 39744
14714 3000 99458
8 Above 500 till 750
45000 43376 15908 3000 107284
9 Above 750 till 1000
16525 3000 111332
10 Above 1000
3000 122853

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-10000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee (Rs)
GST @18% (Rs)
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 3 Years (Rs)
1 Upto 5
11898 3000 80998
2 Above 5 till 10
33500 35789 12472
3 Above 10 till 25
13008 3000 88272
4 Above 25 till 50
36742 13544 3000 91786
5 Above 50 till 100
37217 14079
3000 95296
6 Above 100 till 250
43500 41345 15272 3000 103117
7 Above 250 till 500
46000 42296
15893 3000 107189
8 Above 500 till 750
49500 45949 17181 3000 115630
9 Above 750 till 1000
52000 46899 17802 3000 119701
10 Above 1000
3000 131270

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100000




Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)



Registration Fee



Subscription Fee (Rs)



GST @18% (Rs)



Security Deposit



Total Fee for 3 Years (Rs)


Upto 5







Above 5 till 10








Above 10 till 25








Above 25 till 50









Above 50 till 100







Above 100 till 250









Above 250 till 500







Above 500 till 750








Above 750 till 1000







Above 1000







Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee (Rs)
GST @18% (Rs)
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 5 Years (Rs)
1 Upto 5
3000 93565
2 Above 5 till 10
52920 14386
3 Above 10 till 25
14969 3000 101132
4 Above 25 till 50
15553 3000 104958
5 Above 50 till 100
55148 16137
3000 108785
6 Above 100 till 250
37000 61875 17798
3000 119673
7 Above 250 till 500
39500 63360
18515 3000 124375
8 Above 500 till 750
42500 69345 20132 3000 134977
9 Above 750 till 1000
3000 139679
10 Above 1000
3000 156754

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-1000

Annual Sales (In Rs Crores)
Registration Fee
Subscription Fee (Rs)
GST @18% (Rs)
Security Deposit
Total Fee for 5 Years (Rs)
1 Upto 5
14670 3000 99170
2 Above 5 till 10
29500 55530 15305
3 Above 10 till 25
3000 107205
4 Above 25 till 50
16485 3000 111068
5 Above 50 till 100
57861 17075
3000 114936
6 Above 100 till 250
37000 61875 17798
3000 119673
7 Above 250 till 500
39500 63360
18515 3000 124375
8 Above 500 till 750
42500 69345 20132 3000 134977
9 Above 750 till 1000
3000 139679
10 Above 1000
3000 156754

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-10000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 5 Years Period
1 Upto 5 31000 58500 16110 3000 108610
2 Above 5 till 10 33500 59648 16767 3000 112915
3 Above 10 till 25 36000 60440 17359 3000 116799
4 Above 25 till 50 38500 61236 17952 3000 120688
5 Above 50 till 100 41000 62028 18545 3000 124573
6 Above 100 till 250 43500 68909 20234 3000 135643
7 Above 250 till 500 46000 70493 20969 3000 140462
8 Above 500 till 750 49500 76581 22695 3000 151776
9 Above 750 till 1000 52000 78165 23430 3000 156595
10 Above 1000 54500 90338 26071 3000 173909

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 5 Years Period
1 Upto 5 37500 61875 17888 3000 120263
2 Above 5 till 10 40000 62640 18475 3000 124115
3 Above 10 till 25 42500 63450 19071 3000 128021
4 Above 25 till 50 45000 64260 19667 3000 131927
5 Above 50 till 100 47500 65070 20263 3000 135833
6 Above 100 till 250 50000 72000 21960 3000 146960
7 Above 250 till 500 52500 73620 22702 3000 151822
8 Above 500 till 750 57000 79740 24613 3000 164353
9 Above 750 till 1000 59500 81360 25355 3000 169215
10 Above 1000 62000 93600 28008 3000 186608

 Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100


S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 10 Years Period
1 Upto 5 25000 103500 23130 0 151630
2 Above 5 till 10 27000 105840 23911 0 156751
3 Above 10 till 25 29500 107325 24629 0 161454
4 Above 25 till 50 32000 108810 25346 0 166156
5 Above 50 till 100 34500 110295 26063 0 170858
6 Above 100 till 250 37000 123750 28935 0 189685
7 Above 250 till 500 39500 126720 29920 0 196140
8 Above 500 till 750 42500 138690 32614 0 213804
9 Above 750 till 1000 45000 141660 33599 0 220259
10 Above 1000 47500 165600 38358 0 251458

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-1000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 10 Years Period
1 Upto 5 27500 108000 24390 0 159890
2 Above 5 till 10 29500 111060 25301 0 165861
3 Above 10 till 25 32000 112617 26031 0 170648
4 Above 25 till 50 34500 114165 26760 0 175425
5 Above 50 till 100 37000 115722 27490 0 180212
6 Above 100 till 250 39500 129375 30398 0 199273
7 Above 250 till 500 42000 132480 31406 0 205886
8 Above 500 till 750 45000 144585 34125 0 223710
9 Above 750 till 1000 47500 147690 35134 0 230324
10 Above 1000 50000 171900 39942 0 261842

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-10000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 10 Years Period
1 Upto 5 31000 117000 26640 0 174640
2 Above 5 till 10 33500 119295 27503 0 180298
3 Above 10 till 25 36000 120879 28238 0 185117
4 Above 25 till 50 38500 122472 28975 0 189947
5 Above 50 till 100 41000 124056 29710 0 194766
6 Above 100 till 250 43500 137817 32637 0 213954
7 Above 250 till 500 46000 140985 33657 0 220642
8 Above 500 till 750 49500 153162 36479 0 239141
9 Above 750 till 1000 52000 156330 37499 0 245829
10 Above 1000 54500 180675 42332 0 277507

Calculate your barcode registration fees

Barcodes:   1-100000

S.No Annual Sales (In Rs Crores) Registration Fee Subscription Fee GST @18% Security Deposit Total Fee for 10 Years Period
1 Upto 5 37500 123750 29025 0 190275
2 Above 5 till 10 40000 125280 29750 0 195030
3 Above 10 till 25 42500 126900 30492 0 199892
4 Above 25 till 50 45000 128520 31234 0 204754
5 Above 50 till 100 47500 130140 31975 0 209615
6 Above 100 till 250 50000 144000 34920 0 228920
7 Above 250 till 500 52500 147240 35953 0 235693
8 Above 500 till 750 57000 159480 38966 0 255446
9 Above 750 till 1000 59500 162720 40000 0 262220
10 Above 1000 62000 187200 44856 0 294056

Calculate your barcode registration fees

For labels/printing/software development or other hardware required in your cases would attract extra cost as per the prices prevailingApart  from above charges you need to pay 7500 +18% gst for liasioning fees extra one time to complete paper work  and other  expenses

For labels/printing/software development or other hardware required in your cases would attract extra cost as per the prices prevailing

Charges above mentioned are for life time but every year renewal fees every year approximately 10000 is you have to pay to the authoritycocerned the details would be there once you get registered.

Submit scanned copies of the following documents: 

  • Applicant Company’s PAN card or proprietor’s PAN card for a proprietorship firm

  • Copy of audited balance sheet (FY 2015-16 or latest)

  • Letter on company letterhead requesting barcode allotment

  • Proof of Status of the Applicant Company

    • For Proprietorship Firms: GST/VAT registration certificate

    • For Partnership Firms: GST/VAT registration certificate or partnership deed

    • For Private/Public Ltd. Company: GST/VAT registration certificate and Registrars of Companies (ROC) certificate or Memorandum of Association (MOA)  

    • For other entities (e.g. Registered Society, HUF etc.): GST/VAT registration certificate or Registrar of Society (ROS) certificate



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Near Metro Station, Sector-12,
Dwarka, New Delhi-110078, (India)

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Phones: +91-11-28032434, +91-11-46102688, +91-9810822688, +91-9717122688

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